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and you aren’t had enough to eat
你就不会有足够的感觉  detail>>
i had about enough of you
我受够了你  detail>>
aren t you concerned about it
难道你不担心吗  detail>>
eat but not more than enough
食不宜过饱  detail>>
have enough to eat and wear
吃饱穿暖  detail>>
without enough to eat and wear
不得温饱  detail>>
now you are scared aren’t you
怕了吧  detail>>
you are up a stump, aren’t you
你不好受吧  detail>>
because your words juest aren’t enough
因为你的语言还不足够  detail>>
had enough of all these fights
经过所有的斗争  detail>>
who”s had enough of pain
受尽创伤  detail>>
the beans are now soft enough to eat
豆子煮烂了  detail>>
it had to be you
爱的就是你 非你莫属 后备甜心 那就是你 只能是你  detail>>
you’re not from around here aren’t you
可以问他  detail>>
阿伦 容霓裳  detail>>
1.= are not. 2.〔英口〕 = an't, am not: I am good, aren't I (= am I not)?  detail>>
i wish you enough
愿你足够  detail>>
if you care enough for the living
请关心活着的人们 如果你够关心活着的人 如果你真心关怀生者  detail>>